Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Meals cooked my way

One good thing about marriage and leaving away from parents is to own my kitchen, a place where I whip up meals according to my cravings and needs. I am able to cook "exotic", "strange", "inappropriate" meals (to my mum or mum-in-law) which I won't be able to, if I were to share the same kitchen with them.

Making pancakes or omelettes for breakfast may seem a hassle to them since they do not have a habit of cooking in the mornings.
Cooking a one-dish meal like green curry, japanese curry, kimchi soup, tom yum soup, western food or pasta is weird to them too, since non of the above is something which they normally cook. Pureed soups may seem strange to them, since they have been cooking clear chinese soups all their lives.
Making long sandwiches (like Subway) and lettuce salad for dinner is definitely a no-no for my mum, as it is regarded as "not filling" or "not appropriate" for dinner.

I cooked a "strange" combi of dishes for dinner tonight again :)

Cheesy potato bake

Black pepper chicken chop (small portion)

Instant corn soup with parsley flakes added

But I and my husband enjoyed it! :D

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