Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

White hair! Eeeeks!

Eeeeks! I found 2 strands of white hair on my head today!! I NEVER had white hair before! Both were discovered near my forehead and were short "baby hair".

One of them started off as a reddish brown hair, then the colour got lighter and lighter and eventually turned to white. The white portion was about 3cm long, I think. I pulled that strand out and realised that the tip of the hair had turned black once again. But never mind, I never like the idea of displaying white hair on my head. >_<

The other strand also started off being reddish brown and eventually turned to white. It was still white at the tip. I just touched it lightly and the whole strand came off. Must had been an extremely weak hair.

Sigh!! What has happened to me?? Am I getting old? Or have I been thinking too much? :(

Friday, October 19, 2007


啊!终于!今天总算品尝到真正的龟苓膏了!平时都是吃易拉罐装那种,今天竟然让我在Westmall basement 的福华燕窝行找到现做现卖的传统龟苓膏!好大一碗才$2!好开心啊!:)

龟苓膏是梧州的传统药膳,相传最初是清宫中专供皇帝食用的名贵药物。它主要以名贵的鹰嘴龟和土茯苓为原料,再配生地等药物精制而成。其性温和,不凉不燥,老少皆宜, 具有清热去湿, 旺血生肌,止瘙痒,去暗疮,润肠通便,滋阴补肾,养颜提神等功效!


I have a new blog!

Hohoho! Welcome to my new blog! Am I glad now that my pictures here turn out to be much bigger! And there isn't any restriction on how many pictures I can upload a month? Great!

Yeah, I should have come to this website to blog instead of Friendster! After all, my main purpose is just to write down some of my thoughts and reflections and not to keep in touch with long lost friends. What a loner I am, you may say, but ha! I don't care! ^_^