Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Father's Kite-buying tale

My sis told me my father saved $1.50 from buying a kite at Chinatown and how the savings came about was quite ridiculous. Here is how the story goes:

My father bought one kite at Chinatown at $4.50 and went to test fly it nearby. It was rather windy and the kite flew. A mother and her child walked pass and the child said "I want! I want!" Therefore the mother went up to my father (thinking that he was selling kites) and asked him how much was the kite. My father quoted $5. The mother tried to bargain with him but my father told her it was already very cheap and his profit margin was only 20 cents. In the end he completed the sale at $5.

My father went back to the shop and bought a second kite and went to test fly it again. This time 2 students went up to him and asked if he was selling kites. He told them he was a demonstrator. Again he sold the kite to them at $5.

My father went back to the shop again and bought a third kite. The shop owner remembered him and asked "Didn't you just buy a kite?" My father replied, "Well, I am your regular customer!" And the shop owner said, "Well, then you may have the kite at a 50 cents discount - $4 for you then!"


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