Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Rest In Peace

I didn't expect Normal to go so fast.

Yes, it had poor appetite 2 weeks back. Its stomach was slightly bloated and whenever it gobbled up the food pellets, it simply spat them up without swallowing. But didn't its stomach go back to normal after several days? Yes, it seemed to have shrunk in size without having much food over those days but didn't it start to eat and swallow some smaller pellets again?

Things seemed to be going well until 2 nights ago, I noticed little bloating at its stomach again. It couldn't have put on that much weight overnight? Oh dear. And guess what, yesterday night its condition got even worse. The bloating became more intense and even the scales seemed to have puffed out. Internet sources say that this is a disease known as "dropsy" where there is building up of internal pressure caused by bacteria infection. Although there is antibiotic treatment, most cases of dropsy are fatal. But I didn't give up hope after knowing that. We planned to get the medicine from an aquatic store the very next day (today). I said a prayer before I went to bed last night, hoping that Normal would recover soon.

But just this morning, when I looked in at the quarantined pail, poor Normal's body had flipped. It had gone....

Normal's body lying in its "coffin"

Coffin being sealed... (sob sob!)

Burying in progress...

You must have suffered, Normal. Hope you rest in peace...

1 comment:

Ani said...

May Normal rest in peace... :(