Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I managed to catch the Guangxi Puppet Art Troupe in action at Jurong Point yesterday. At first I thought it was just some traditional dance item when suddenly some dancers appeared with large rod puppets. They put up items like 《梁山伯与祝英台》, 《天鹅湖》,《女孩与孔雀》,《西游记-大战红孩儿》. It was amazing to see how the puppets could move in such a life-like manner, especially the ballet puppets! Controlling a ballet puppet seemed the most tedious of all, it needed 3 performers-one in front to control the legs, one in the middle to control the head and spine, one at the back to control the hands.
Notice how the performers wore matching costumes like their puppets. I liked the costumes of the peacock item best of all! Both ladies and the peacock puppet displayed such graceful moves!

1 comment:

Ani said...

Hmm... how come there is nothing happening in my area... I only saw makeshift stores in my shopping mall le...