Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008



今天我接到一位时常有工作上来往的bank dealer的电话,他说他帮我找到了红包封套,想在午餐时间拿给我。初次见面,原来这位bank dealer还蛮帅的,虽然他已经38岁了,看起来好像30出头而已!他给我一个大信封,里头有20多包的红包封套,我都觉得有点不好意思,哈哈。他还请我吃roti prata/muttabak哦!我们还聊的蛮多的,这一餐吃得挺开心的!

今天我的office mailbox还蛮静的,没有什么紧急email, 我可以专心做其它事,如果接下来每天都这样,年除夕那天有望作半天就可以回!

我的女manager问我,今天过得怎样?我说还好,应该可以早回,说完便笑了笑。她竟然说,"Do you know that your smile is very sweet? Your husband must have told you that." 我说, "No, he didn't, hahahahaha!" 也许她希望我在公司可以多笑吧,无论如何,有人说我的笑容很sweet, 我应该开心吧!

我今天真的蛮早回家的,6.20pm. :) 今天我老板又反常,6.15pm 就回了,我也更没理由留下来工作了。哈哈。:)


1 comment:

Ani said...

:D That's just great! I agree, one good thing leads to another.

You were in high spirits after the lunch, and were able to take things in stride. :) And even smiled! :D Of course you have a sweet smile! You mean you didn't know? OK, I'm telling you now. Hoho, HAPPY CNY!!!