Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Yesterday's 4th episode of 《溏心风暴之家好月圆》 left me pondering over a character 小月.

小月 was adopted by the family when she was 18 months old. However she grew up to have strong ties with her family. Yesterday's episode featured her quarrel with her aunt which ended with her grandpa instructing her not to interfere with his family's matters and causing such unhappiness. Those who watched the entire segment would know that it was the aunt who told a lie first and sparked off the fight between the two women. What 小月 wanted to do initially was to protect her mum's and grandpa's interest but she ended up getting blamed by her grandpa.

I see 小月 in myself sometimes. Not that I get accused or blamed by my family or friends. But the part when she "interfered" with something that she couldnt see eye to eye with does resemble what I always do at home. When I see things being done in a slipshod way, I interfere; when things are in a mess, I interfere. Why? So that things are done systematically and everything turns out neat and pleasing to the eyes. And guess what happens? Most people like to do things they way they want, even though the way I suggest
is really more organized.

Ha, a lesson learnt from 小月's misfortune: Just leave things as they are (as long as there is no danger)... After all, what others do dont concern me directly. No use fuming over someone's stubbornness and disrupt the peace in the family or workplace. :)

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