Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Weekend Cruise!

Woohoo! Guess what, I will be onboard Star Cruise this weekend! Will be going with my parents and little sis. Well, my 2nd sis was supposed to go with them instead of me but she had to pull out due to a last minute arrangement by her company to go to Malaysia. And I get to go instead! The most exhilarating part is, my father sponsored the trip and I just paid $20 to the tour agency for amendment fee!

Wow, it has been 11 years since I last went on a cruise. Looking forward to watch the stars, sunrise and sunset! Am going to feed myself fat with the sumptuous buffets! They have really yummy Chinese and international cuisines. Hmm... shall I bring my track shoes and sports attire to their gym? After all, I won't be able to go Amore this weekend...

Will post photos when I come back! :D

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