Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Farewell, One Raffles Quay!

Muahahahahaha! I can't believe I have really bade farewell to my workplace on 30 April 2008!
Goodbye to the crowds at Raffles Place! Hope I wont have to squeeze in the crowded trains with you for a long time to come. Hope I wont have to vie for seats with you again during lunch hour in the near future.
Goodbye to my office building One Raffles Quay! I must say you are beautiful, and your receptionists and umbrellas (to lend) are beautiful too! Even your washrooms are beautiful! I have nothing against you, really. :) If not because of you, I might have chosen to bid farewell earlier!
Lastly, goodbye to my office seat (and colleagues)! Hmm... I realise I dont really have much to say to you. Hope all of you get along fine with my replacement! All the best!
P/S: Hopefully, my next job will be far far away from Raffles Place and very very near to my new home! I do not wish to spend so much time to travel to work again!

1 comment:

Ani said...

Nice office! Sigh, clean toilets are really then envy of everyone in my office.

Now it's time to look ahead and get an even better office cube!