Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unbalanced work life?

It's the school holidays again and this time for 6 weeks. After deducting the 8 days which I need to report for work and the 2 days for staff retreat, I have 20 weekdays to relax. I really wonder how I am going to spend this period??

During the school term, it has been so hectic and stressful, with so much work to do every day, whether in school or at home. Suddenly the major school events which had stressed me up over the past few weeks were over one by one, and I have no work to do until I report for work at the end of the month.

I am beginning to find my work life so unbalanced. During school days I can't even catch my breath and my mind is forever thinking and processsing. During the year end school holidays I am so free that I have no idea what to do! One thing for sure that I will do is to go jogging regularly, to prevent unnecessary weight gain.

Glad that I will be travelling to Beijing soon. At least I won't feel so bored.

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