Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008



今天我接到一位时常有工作上来往的bank dealer的电话,他说他帮我找到了红包封套,想在午餐时间拿给我。初次见面,原来这位bank dealer还蛮帅的,虽然他已经38岁了,看起来好像30出头而已!他给我一个大信封,里头有20多包的红包封套,我都觉得有点不好意思,哈哈。他还请我吃roti prata/muttabak哦!我们还聊的蛮多的,这一餐吃得挺开心的!

今天我的office mailbox还蛮静的,没有什么紧急email, 我可以专心做其它事,如果接下来每天都这样,年除夕那天有望作半天就可以回!

我的女manager问我,今天过得怎样?我说还好,应该可以早回,说完便笑了笑。她竟然说,"Do you know that your smile is very sweet? Your husband must have told you that." 我说, "No, he didn't, hahahahaha!" 也许她希望我在公司可以多笑吧,无论如何,有人说我的笑容很sweet, 我应该开心吧!

我今天真的蛮早回家的,6.20pm. :) 今天我老板又反常,6.15pm 就回了,我也更没理由留下来工作了。哈哈。:)


Sunday, January 20, 2008


I managed to catch the Guangxi Puppet Art Troupe in action at Jurong Point yesterday. At first I thought it was just some traditional dance item when suddenly some dancers appeared with large rod puppets. They put up items like 《梁山伯与祝英台》, 《天鹅湖》,《女孩与孔雀》,《西游记-大战红孩儿》. It was amazing to see how the puppets could move in such a life-like manner, especially the ballet puppets! Controlling a ballet puppet seemed the most tedious of all, it needed 3 performers-one in front to control the legs, one in the middle to control the head and spine, one at the back to control the hands.
Notice how the performers wore matching costumes like their puppets. I liked the costumes of the peacock item best of all! Both ladies and the peacock puppet displayed such graceful moves!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Caring family and friends

I had been leaving office after 9pm for the past few days and for 2 days consecutively, I left my office at 10.30pm. As my hp was in my bag, I was not aware that my home had called me. It was always my father. There was one voicemail that he left asking me where I was and what time I was going home. When I finally reached home, I saw my father or mother heating up the soup for me and the rice cooker would still be in "keep warm" mode. :)

For the 2 consecutive days when I reached home at 11pm plus, my parents had already gone to bed. My little sis would also turn on the fire over the stove to heat up the soup. I didnt get to see my parents for that 2 days. When I saw my mother this morning before I went to work, the first thing she said was "每天做到这么迟啊?" and she asked me if I had taken any food at dinner time. :)

Ani sms-ed me at around 10pm last night informing about a piano class. I replied her at 10.30pm telling her that I had just left office and had not had dinner. She replied at 12am "Oh dear. Sleep my dear friend, you are working so hard." :)

During the emails exchange between me, Ani and Doreamin, Doreamin wrote something that gave me strength to move on: 深呼吸,放轻松,天无绝人之路! :)

Today I could finally leave office at 7pm! And I happily sms-ed my little sis, Ani and a friend who had lunch with me today. They were all happy for me. My friend replied "Great, have an early rest and weekends coming! Hurray!" Ani replied "Yeah! Rest well! Eat well!" When I reached my doorstep, my little sis opened the door, popped her head out and shouted "Yay! 恭喜你!恭喜你!恭喜你!Congratulations!" :)

My mother told me she had got me a sandwich to bring to work this morning but when she came home, I had already left the house. Although I didnt get to eat the sandwich, I was touched by her gesture :)

I must say I really had it bad at work these few days. Many things had not gone smoothly. My luck was extremely bad. My daily prayers didnt help. But at the end of it, I realised how caring my family and friends are. :)) I must always remember that no matter what happens, I still have them. :))