As for me, you may call me a bore. I find such gifts exchange a waste of time and money. This is especially so when I am not even close to my co-workers. So what do I do when I unexpectedly receive gifts from some of them who tend to give presents to all in the department? Well, as the Chinese saying goes, we have to "礼尚往来”. Of course I cannot accept their gifts for nothing and therefore I have to buy something back for them.
And the headache comes when I have to decide what to buy and the amount to spend. Perhaps the most practical type of gift will be something that the recipient can use. I have received gifts like photo frame, body shop gift set and electric lamp cum essential oil vapouriser from them. But it seems like I do not have any usage for them: the photo frame is 5" by 5", I will have to cut up my photo in order to fit it in, which I have no intention to do. The body shop gift set has got a body lotion and bath lily, which I do not use. The electric lamp is nice but my nose is allergic to essential oils and perfumes, therefore the vapouriser has no use for me as well.
I have come to the conclusion that chocolates are the best Xmas gifts ever. Normally people will feel happier from eating sweet stuffs. Even if they do not have a sweet tooth, at least they can share the chocolates with their family right? If not, can even keep them for Chinese New Year! No doubt chocolates lack novelty (or even sincerity) but hey, you can't deny that they serve more practicality than gifts that they will not use?
I guess the only trouble with chocolates is that everyone knows their value since they are easily available at supermarkets. My co-workers must be calling me a "cheapo" now, since I only spent $6 plus on a box of chocolates, when I just realised (after giving them my gifts few days ago) that they had spent between $14-18 on their gifts!
My goodness. I find this whole thing so irritating. Firstly, I received gifts that I have no use for and secondly, perhaps I am being regarded as a "cheapo" or greedy person now. And it is so weird now to prepare another gift for them to make up their "loss".
But in the first place I didn't ask for the gifts! 无奈....
I do think it is strange that colleagues, whom you aren't especially close to, give you presents. But I believe they are trying to be nice, no matter how superficial it may be. At least they remembered to get something for you, right?
Just accept the gift, and don't worry about furnishing them with gifts of equal value. You can't stop what people think, but make sure you aren't just worrying over speculations of how they might feel. People usually appreciate any gift, small it may be, as long as the giver is sincere.
All those useless presents just serve to show how valuable useful gifts are.
For my department gift exchange, I bought a horoscope book that was 6 dollars over budget, but nobody appreciated it. Apparently nobody reads, or would like to know about their prospects in the coming year. I would have like to have it back, if not for the piles of horoscope books I have at home. So you see, the value of something is very subjective.
Don't think too much, just enjoy the festive season!
if presents need to be "equal value" in return, then it should be "trading" persents instead of exchanging resents. sooo dont worry about the value of the presents okie? :)
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