Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
When I was a student, the New Year countdowns symbolised the end of the long school holidays and the start of a new school year with more difficult school work. For the recent years, the New Year countdown symbolises the end of yet another year and as I look back at the new year resolutions which I made a year ago, hardly half of them have been accomplished and yet I am another year older.
Can't help getting the blues for this coming 2010. I am getting 30!! When Chinese New Year comes, I can bet the relatives will be bugging me when I will expect a baby, especially when I am no longer young!! *roll my eyes* I hope none will ask me to seek medical help!
Eeeks! Hope my birthday will never come!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Cruise to Malaysia
Mid Valley Megamall reminded me of Vivo City - with its size and branded boutiques. Basically there was no bargain up for grabs, so a 3-hour allowance in the mall was more than enough for most of us.
The new harbour in Penang, which coincidentally had its first opening on the day which our Superstar Libra docked at its pier. So we were warmly welcomed by the local authorities, together with their traditional drumming as heard in muslim weddings! Even the custom officers greeted us with a smile just like PR officers!
Queensbay Mall in Penang, some what like Suntec City.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Bargain books at HMV
Dale Carnegie's series are worth collecting too, I have read his "How to enjoy your life and job" (mentioned in my blog last year in Aug) and find it really insightful and awesome. :)
Thursday, October 22, 2009
What knowledge is of most worth?
Besides demonstrating how to use the metre step-by-step and advising my mum on what types of food to avoid, the pharmacist also recommended a type of supplement Sugar Guard (made from bitter gourd - thus "bitter gourd tablets" in short) to help balance the glucose level in the body.
I feel that it is really cool that pharmacists have such vast knowledge on medicine, health supplements, health-related issues and even operating of health devices. The way that this lady pharmacist spoke, though a bit dramatic (for comic relief, I suppose), did provide us with not less info than if we had visited a doctor. Furthermore, she had recommended us with relevant, inexpensive health supplement which was not something that a doctor would normally do.
I gradually can comprehend what Herbert Spencer (English philosopher, 1820 - 1903) meant when he believed the knowledge that was of most worth was "the knowledge needed to pursue those activities which directly minister to self-preservation". Doesnt that simply mean knowledge on health issues? Of course! How can a soldier save himself and others injured in a war if he has no knowledge on first aid? How well can we keep ourselves from being infected by H1N1 virus if we do not know anything about hygiene practice? When our health is not there, how can we succeed in doing any other things?
Glad that I have always been reading health magazines. :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
I couldnt believe my eyes when I first looked at the weighing scale. And I opened my eyes wide.
I have lost 1 kg!
My hard work has paid off! The jogging works! The pilates works! The stop-snacking strategy works!
Yes! I am on the right track! Will continue till I lost 1-2 kg more! :D
Friday, October 16, 2009
Trying to lose weight
For the past week, I have been faithfully following the most basic rule of losing weight - do not eat more calories than I burn. As such, I have been trying to stop snacking. In the afternoon I only have either an apple or a fruit juice for a snack (so hungry!) I am trying to avoid sweet things and stuffs with high carbohydrates too. And I am beginning to wake up earlier to do some exercises like jogging or pilates.
Haiz. After trying for a week, there is still no signs of weight lost. *depressed* My stomach is still so bloated after meals and even my T-shirts seem to get tighter. :(
I think I really have to put in more effort in burning more calories per day. My target is to lose 2kg in the next 10 days. That's about 200 grams per day. Possible?
Monday, October 5, 2009
I knew it
I HATE SLICING THE LOTUS ROOTS. The roots are hard, of irregular shape, and when the chopper slices through, it cuts through the holes inside and the slice of root breaks. When this happens, the chopper may just slip, and slash through the skin on my finger. Wow, that's a lot of blood lost, considering a sharp chopper has been used. The good thing is, the "slice" of skin is still dangling on the finger (and not on the chopping board).
You know what, I have this sense of failure all the time when I am slicing the lotus roots. It is simply impossible for me to cut completely round slices all the time. Wonder if it is due to the knife or my strength applied?
Anyway, I conclude I HATE SLICING THE LOTUS ROOTS. It is either I break the lotus slices or I cut my finger. It is so difficult to choose between perfection and safety.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Getting fleshy
Hm. I guess the fats have accumulated elsewhere now... like in my tummy and butt. Yes, I am developing a belly... and "fleshier" butt and thighs. So much so that those bottoms that used to fit nicely are too tight to wear now and those that used to hang loose are getting tight as well.
Hm. I guess too much snacking is the main culprit. This is something that I need to reflect upon... Hm.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Jurong Safra Club
We checked out other facilities at the club as well....
There is also a unique foodcourt based on Japanese theme.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
小月 was adopted by the family when she was 18 months old. However she grew up to have strong ties with her family. Yesterday's episode featured her quarrel with her aunt which ended with her grandpa instructing her not to interfere with his family's matters and causing such unhappiness. Those who watched the entire segment would know that it was the aunt who told a lie first and sparked off the fight between the two women. What 小月 wanted to do initially was to protect her mum's and grandpa's interest but she ended up getting blamed by her grandpa.
I see 小月 in myself sometimes. Not that I get accused or blamed by my family or friends. But the part when she "interfered" with something that she couldnt see eye to eye with does resemble what I always do at home. When I see things being done in a slipshod way, I interfere; when things are in a mess, I interfere. Why? So that things are done systematically and everything turns out neat and pleasing to the eyes. And guess what happens? Most people like to do things they way they want, even though the way I suggest is really more organized.
Ha, a lesson learnt from 小月's misfortune: Just leave things as they are (as long as there is no danger)... After all, what others do dont concern me directly. No use fuming over someone's stubbornness and disrupt the peace in the family or workplace. :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Lottery and me
Strangely, when I walk pass such a queue now, I would heave a sad sigh secretly in my heart. Why, most of them are poor folks who wish to buy a "hope" from the lottery in order to have a better life. It is not strange that many of these people are the unemployed, retirees or housewives. I mean, how often do the rich buy lottery? Basically they do not need the winnings! I must confess that even I myself tend to buy more "hope" when I am not generating income. My mum has been buying more "hope" these days too, as a sudden windfall will take care of all her medical bills and buy her more tonics and supplements.
In my opinion, buying lottery has no harm as long as the bets are small. It is not the same as gambling in a casino or placing bets on horse races where peer pressure exists and one may lose everything overnight. A person definitely has better self control when buying lottery at a Singapore Pools counter.
Of course I am not trying to advocate buying lottery here. Just penning down the changes in my viewpoints regarding this fascinating game. :)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Haiz. She is resistant to changes.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tetra bag
It turned out to be simpler than I thought, because the denim fabric was of a nice thickness and made the sewing by machine easier. I didnt have to unpick any problem stitches and that really saved a lot of time. :)
Yeah, I have a new bag to carry around whenever I go somewhere nearby! :)
P.S: The name "tetra bag" comes from my sewing book, but I guess the authors mean "a bag in the shape of a tetragon".
My first sewing project
Do you own a tissue pouch? Do you use it?
Ha, I always wanted to have one, but somehow I didnt buy any. Never had I dreamt that my first tissue pouch would be machine-sewn by myself! :D
Well, it took me almost 2 hours to complete the first one, from measuring and cutting the fabric, ironing the fabric at various stages to create the necessary creases for easy sewing, to unpicking ugly stitches and re-sewing.... hmm... it was not as simple as I thought!
Then I decided it would be more efficient to work on more fabrics at the same time, and along the way, time-saving ideas struck me as well. The subsequent tissue pouches really took much lesser time to complete, about half an hour each on average? I must admit that my machine stitches were not fantastic, but I believe my skills will get better as I have more practice.
What a good buy of my Brother sewing machine at $125! :D
Friday, July 31, 2009
I am back! And what a journey it had been!
What a journey it has been during this 10-month course... Very tedious, very tiring, very taxing on the brain... I feel like I have never thought so hard in my life! Every weekends had been spent doing assignments that seemed to be never ending, and there were presentations every now and then, whether they carried marks or not.. Goodness knows how many powerpoints I had prepared for those presentations!
But there were fun moments too, such as making ice cream in class during the science module and doing a group collage using all sorts of materials during the art module. And there were class excusions too, like a visit to Australian International School to learn about their play-based curriculum and to SAM to appreciate the art pieces (and to complete 3 art critiques on 3 pieces of artwork, which took me 3 weekends to complete, for I am an art idiot!) Oh yes, the Bedok library performace too *faint*, where each of us had to put up an individual rhyme and song (with actions) as well as a group rhyme, song and dance as part of our music and movement assignment. Gosh, can you imagine putting up a public performance as part of your assignment? I recall that we only had 4 days (including Sat and Sun) to prepare for it. But I must say I enjoyed practicing the group dance to the tune of S.H.E's 《不想长大》, even though from the video recording we looked hilarious.
I must say this course requires a lot of thinking and creativity. There was an assignment requiring us to write a Math story using powerpoint... and there was one requiring us to write a language story using words that start with a particular letter of the alphabet. Guess what was the letter I was given? Letter Y! *faint* couldnt really write a fantastic story with so few words that start with Y. I recall using up almost all the words that I could find in the dictionary!
And there were times when we were "forced" to give individual presentations (and no marks given for them) to the whole class, like bringing a children's storybook to do storytelling (and I had to borrow a nice and short storybook from the library that I knew would not bore the adults to sleep) and presenting our philosophy as a preschool teacher to the whole class. Ha, I remember my philosophy was the 3 Ps - passion, patience and persistence.
All modules have a group assignment and individual assignment. I am glad that I had done most of my group assignments with a same group, of which 2 of them are current childcare centre operators and they have lots of resources. When I worked with this group, we never had to meet up over the weekend to discuss our projects and work had always been allocated efficiently. But the drawback was, most of the time I was the one to compile the group assignments.. and the good thing? They always "trusted" my work and nobody bothered to make changes, so at least that part saved me a lot of time, ha!
In this course I have met a lot of people with great passion to educate young children. They may not have high academic qualifications but they are nice people who are easy to get along with. There are also some who show determination to further their studies to be a better educator - they started out doing a certificate in preschool education, then a diploma, then they intend to carry on to do a diploma in leadership! I really admire their determination, because for me, I will never want to go back to the days of working and studying at the same time - I want a proper life please!
Although it has been hardship for the past 10 months, I must admit that I have learnt a lot, and I believe many things that I have learnt in this course (and other memories) would not be forgotten easily. Ha, a mixture of nice and horrible memories!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Joy does not occur so much on its own as it does as a by-product of something else: a pleasant surprise, a happy thought, a good friendship. In other words, this emotion is indicative of feeling good about oneself, others, and life in general.
-- Beaty, J. J. (2006). Observing development of the young child. (6th Ed.) New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall