Tales of personal encounters, sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes grumpy, sometimes informative, but always true and sincere...

Monday, June 30, 2008





所以我今天调了闹钟,让自己9点前起身(我要开始训练自己越来越早起!)。正正经经地吃完早餐后,我就去上Amore 10点半的课!运动后觉得精神好好,整个人都充满了斗志!才中午12点,我就去吃午餐了!难得今天有定时吃早餐与午餐,心情好好哦!还有还有,午餐过后,我就去买菜了!而不是像平时那样,等到最后一分钟!


明天一早我要到图书馆去!今天逛书局时看到几本励志的书,我把书名和作者都抄了起来,回家上NLB网站search, 没想到我家附近的图书馆可以借的到噢!真是奇迹!既然这些书是畅销书,它们一定很抢手,所以明天一早我就得到图书馆去把它们找出来,免得被别人捷足先登!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Chasing Game

Gee! I think Normal is back to normal again, in fact it is very greedy now, every time when I approach the pond, it will swim towards my direction and keeps opening its mouth. Haha! I do give them a little feed in between meal times and the feed is practically snatched up in seconds! Sometimes I wonder if I have been starving the fishies but the speed at which they zoom past is amazing!

It is interesting to watch them play this "chasing game" whereby Normal is always being chased by 红鳍子 and the latter is always being chased by 红眼睛. As a result, they line up in a single file and swim in circles.

Hahaha, what a life.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Poor Normal!

Sob sob! I found Normal motionless on the floor outside the pond yesterday morning! It had leaped out of the pond while I was still in bed!

I thought it had died but I could see very faint breathing at its gills. I quickly placed it back in the pond but it remained motionless, its body half-floating half slanting in the water. 红眼睛 and 红鳍子 seemed to be aware of what happened and swam beside Normal and remained by its side. What a worrying sight!! To my surprise, Normal's breathing got stronger and stronger and finally, after a few minutes, it managed to flip back to vertical position and swam a few cm away! It was alive once again!

But Normal appeared so weak. The scales on one side of its body seemed rather ruffled. It must be injured when it landed on the floor.. Its body seemed so unbalanced when it swam and it kept hiding in a corner for the whole day...

Have a good rest, Normal. Hope you get well soon. And please please, don't be so adventurous again. It may cost your life.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fishies for my Pond!

Please warmly welcome the new members to my family! Their hometown is Qianhu Fish Farm and their breed is Shubunkin (玉如意). After they made themselves comfortable in their new environment, the first task for us was to assign names to them to enable us to distinguish them.

The one that has red eyeliner is named "红眼睛"; the one that has a small red patch on its fins is named "红鳍子" and the one that appears most normal is named "Normal".

May the little fishies grow big and strong! :D